Ame Henderson Brendan Jensen Sherri Hay Marie Claire Forté Choreographies of Encounter


Choreographies of Encounter

L. Maloney

Master Class
Workshop on Sunday, April 7 and Monday, April 8, 2013, 11 am – 5 pm

In this 2-day master class, Ame Henderson and her collaborators with Public Recordings offer their practices as a site for investigation and sharing between participants. Here, choreography is an expanded form, a flexible set of tools for time-based and relational interdisciplinary work. The studio becomes a laboratory in which participating artists rigorously test their own systems of assigning value and meaning through and with their bodies. In an unwavering experimental spirit, the work insists on an ethic of collaboration. We regard practice and theory, research and making, movement and reflection as intertwined activities. Over the course of the master class, participants explore a collection of exercises to produce material and activate questions about the borders between sense and sound, and physical gesture and utterance.

Public Recordings is a group of experimental artists who work collaboratively - drawing on choreographic strategies, embodied action, language, sound, objects, framing and architectural space - to create a shared language for live performance. Through our ongoing facilitation, we expose our creative process not as something to replicate, but as an invitation to question embodied concepts in one’s work.

Choreographies of Encounter is co-facilitated by company members Ame Henderson, Brendan Jensen, Sherri Hay and Marie Claire Forté, each bringing their own experience and interests to the processes they create together.

*This master class will be conducted in English by bilingual instructors.

Application Process
The master class is ideal for choreographers and professional dance practitioners interested in broadening ideas in and around their work, investigating choreography as expanded practice and collaborative interdisciplinary approaches to creation.

To Apply:
Please submit a recent biography with a letter of interest (max 1 page) that details your current choreographic concerns, addressing how this workshop intersects with those interests. 8-12 choreographers and interdisciplinary practitioners (from emerging to established) will be selected based on their statement of interest and artistic background in order to compose an inter-generational group with a range of experience and artistic practices.

Number of participants: 12 people maximum
Cost: $75
Schedule: Sunday, April 7 and Monday, April 8, 2013, 11 am – 5 pm

Application: Send a bio and letter of interest before 5 pm, March 22, 2013, by email to, with the subject “Application master class Ame Henderson”.
Confirmation: The selected applicants will be notified by email by March 27, 2013.
Payment: The fee must be paid by 5 pm, April 3, 2013.

For any question, call or email the New Media Lab: 514 844-3250, ext. 230 or

Reservation / Payment
Reservations can be done by phone or email. Full payment must be made for inscription to be valid. You can pay by credit card (Visa or MasterCard), cheque or in cash. Inscription to a workshop is not transferable.

Cancellation / Refunding
OBORO does not refund inscription fees except in case of illness (with a medical note) or of absolute necessity. In such cases, inscription fees are transferable to another workshop or service offered by the New Media Lab.

Workshop Cancellation
OBORO reserves the right to cancel workshops at any time and without advance notice. In this case, inscription fees are totally refunded.

Choreographies of Encounter

L. Maloney

Ame Henderson (choreographer, performer) works on creating ethical and meaningful encounters amongst and between artists and audiences.

Brendan Jensen (choreographer, performer) offers his experience as an interpreter and collaborator in the choreographic process.

Sherri Hay is a Canadian artist who splits her time between New York City and Toronto. Her wide ranging practice that includes sculpture, installation, video and performance, has been exhibited internationally, at the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO), and the Museum of Canadian Contemporary Art (MOCCA) in Toronto. She is also an occasional collaborator in experimental theatre and dance.

Marie Claire Forté (choreographer, performer, writer) poses questions about language through the creative practice of translation, and introduces the idea of documentation as part of the choreographic practice.

(+) Partner(s)