Mathieu Plasse Introduction to Processing

Date(s): Jan 15 2016
Jan 16 2016
Jan 17 2016
Jan 22 2016
Jan 23 2016
Jan 24 2016


Introduction to Processing

Mathieu Plasse, 2015

Processing is a programming language and environment created to help artists and designers learn and use code to make art. It opens art and design to contemporary technologies, such as generative art, interactive data visualisation, computer vision, virtual reality, interactive projections, mobile media, sensor integration, and live video creation. This introduction will familiarize you with the fundamentals so you can begin exploring this powerful tool.

Session 1: Shapes, colours, and generative art
Objective: Create a generative poster

Session 2: Images and typography
Objective: Create a generative digital collage

Session 3: Animation and interactivity
Objective: Create simple drawing software

Session 4: Data visualisation
Objective: Create simple data visualisation software

Session 5: Arduino and Processing
Objective: Create simple software using input from an Arduino

Session 6: Video and sound
Objective: Create an interactive video montage

- Be a professional artist, creator or cultural worker;
- Be a self-employed worker or a salaried employee in an enterprise not subject to 1 % Training Investment*;
- Attend every workshop session.
*Any enterprise whose total payroll is $1.000.000 or more is subject to 1% Training Investment. (Emploi-Québec Program)

Number of participants: maximum 8
Registration period: December 14-18, 2015 and January 5-12, 2016
Call or email the New Media Lab: 514 844 3250, ext. 230 or
Cost: $100 (taxes included)
Schedule: January 15-17 and 22-24, 2016
(Friday: 6-9 pm, Saturday and Sunday: 1-4 pm)

Reservation / Payment
Reservations can be made by phone or email. Full payment must be made for reservations to be valid. You can pay by credit card (Visa or MasterCard), cheque or in cash. Registration to a workshop is not transferable.

Cancellation / Refund
OBORO does not refund registration fees except in case of illness (with a medical note) or of absolute necessity. In such cases, registration fees are transferable to another workshop or service offered by the New Media Lab.

Workshop Cancellation
OBORO reserves the right to cancel workshops at any time and without advance notice. In this case, registration fees are completely refunded.

Introduction to Processing

Mathieu Plasse, 2015

Mathieu Plasse is a professor of graphic design at Cégep de Sainte-Foy and has been offering, for several years, training in programming and visual creation. After completing a graphic design baccalaureate at UQAM in 2006, he began a career which led him to work with several actors of the cultural and artistic circles in Quebec city. In 2015, he obtained a scholarship from the Conseil des arts et lettres du Québec, in order to create a dance video, captured by a Kinect device and transformed by algorithms made with Processing.