Teens at OBORO

Sabrina Bourdeau, Saint-Georges High School, image taken during Je suis donc je pense…, 2010
Cultural Mediation 2010-2011 activities
The second part of the Parcel Workshops with students from Le Vitrail alternative high school, author Daniel Canty, and mediator Pierre Beaudoin.
October 20 – December 15, 2010
Je suis donc je pense…
With students from Saint-Georges high school, author David Bouchet and mediator Pierre Beaudoin.
October 13, 2010 – March 23, 2011
Techno Ados
For young and culturally diverse Montrealers.
Spring 2011
Brain child of Daniel Canty, in collaboration with Pierre Beaudoin, Cinhochelaga (Part 2 of the Parcel Workshops) offers Le Vitrail high school students a poetic and narrative foray into the Hochelaga-Maisonneuve neighborhood. Calling upon their memory of place, participants will explore the writing, creation and production of original media art. They will produce a psycho-geography of Hochelaga; they will create a film script informed by Chris Marker's La Jetée; they will produce a movement plan from snaps of the neighborhood taken with disposable cameras; they will also produce a final storyboard in OBORO's studios.
Cinhochelaga receives the financial support of the Ministère de la Culture, des communications et de la condition féminine and the Ville de Montréal within the framework of the Entente sur le développement culturel de Montréal 2008-2011; and of Foundation of Greater Montreal. The project was developed with the collaboration of Oxy-Jeunes.
Je suis donc je pense…
Identity is at the heart of the Je suis donc je pense… project, created by author and screenwriter David Bouchet along with mediator Pierre Beaudoin for students of Saint-Georges high school. Identity unfolds in concentric circles, from the self to the world at large, passing through various levels: family, friends, neighborhood, city, country, planet. Identity can be ethnic, sexual, musical, athletic, and so forth. The idea behind this workshop is to explore this theme on two fronts, through words and images, and to develop it through group projects which will include audio and video editing as well as digital effects related to the world of new media.
The project Je suis donc je pense… is sponsored by the Libres comme l'art program, an initiative of the Conseil des arts de Montréal and the Conférence régionale des élus de Montréal and the Ministère de l'Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport (support program for Montreal schools).
Techno Ados
Designed for young Montrealers from diverse backgrounds, Techno Ados is a series of hands-on workshops in new media. Participants will be able to experiment in OBORO's studios where they will create video clips, musical or audio compositions, mini installations and websites.
Techno Ados is offered with the collaboration of TELUS Montreal Community Board.

Sabrina Bourdeau, Saint-Georges High School, image taken during Je suis donc je pense…, 2010