Anne Balsamo Anne Balsamo

Date(s): Mar 1 2002


Anne Balsamo

Anne Balsamo visits Montréal in March 2002 with a Public Talk at Concordia University. Entitled “XFR: Experiments in the Future of Reading, New Media, New Literacies,” it is a Powerpoint and video presentation about the museum exhibit created by Research in Experimental Documents@ PARC called “Experiments in the Future of Reading.” Balsamo also conducts a practical workshop at Oboro’s Media Lab, consisting of a tour of some of her favourite websites, an open and critical discussion of new media, as well as an opportunity for new media artists to bring in and discuss their work.

Anne Balsamo

Anne Balsamo is a multi-media artist, who is currently a senior member of RED: Research in Experimental Documents, at Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), in California. Her multi-media projects include “Episodes in the History of Readings,” an interactive, digital museum exhibit on the histories of reading, writing and communication forms, and “Women of the World Talk Back,” a multi-media documentary co-produced for the 1995 United Nations 4th World Conference on Women in Beijing, China.