Interrogating Access: From Learning to Action



Interrogating Access: From Learning to Action

Interrogating Access 2: From Learning to Action is a collaborative project between Spectrum Productions, the artist-run centre OBORO and the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal (MAC). Drawing from the Interrogating Access series, which was jointly hosted by OBORO and Spectrum Productions in 2019-2020, the project stems from a mutual desire to actively apply accessibility tools in visual and media arts milieus. 

From Learning to Action will include a series of 4 public webinars in 2023, skills exchange workshops for staff in our organizations, and a 10-month residency.

All the activities in Interrogating Access 2: from learning to action:

Multiple Narratives and Sensory Voices: The Methodology of Chatter Applied in Audiodescription and Videodescription Residency - Marie-Samuel Levasseur

Introduction to Audio Description for the Screen and Visual Arts Presentation - Rebecca Singh

Soundwalk Workshop - Spectrum Productions, Musée d'art contemporain and OBORO

Audio Description Workshop - Spectrum Productions, Musée d'art contemporain and OBORO

Interrogating Access: From Learning to Action

(+) Partner(s)