Shié Kasai P2P, a network painting demo

Date(s): Sep 25 2009, 4:00 pm


P2P, a network painting demo

© S. Kasai, 2009

As part of Les journées de la culture

It’s a party at 4001 Berri! Japanese-born artist Shie Kasai invites visitors to test out her live, peer-2-peer painting in process at OBORO. P2P / Peer to Painting (A Simulation) is a device permitting simultaneous reproduction in different locations of identical paintings. In order to do this, the artist draws from network architecture and invites three painters to set themselves up at workstations, giving the impression that each artist is in a different part of the world. Equipped with art supplies, monitors and a camera, the painters look at a live video feed of Shié Kasai painting an image that they simultaneously reproduce.

*From 10 years old

P2P, a network painting demo

© S. Kasai, 2009

Shié Kasai is a visual artist working in sculpture, installation, and animation. Originally from Sapporo, Japan, she has been living in Montreal since 1998. She has presented solo exhibitions at the MAI (Montreal, 2008), Articule (Montreal, 2006), and Gallery 101 (Ottawa 2004), and been featured in group exhibitions in Japan, the Netherlands, and Canada. Recipient of the 2008 New Media Production Grant for Young Artists sponsored by the Caisse Populaire Desjardins du Mont-Royal.

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