Allison Moore Chœur Maha Les journées de la culture 2011

Date(s): Saturday, Oct 10, 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm


Les journées de la culture 2011

© A. Moore, 2011

1 pm – Concert with Allison Moore, New Media Lab (suite 200)
Interdisciplinary artist Allison Moore presents her project Urban Terrarium, produced at OBORO through the New Media Grant for Young Artists, in partnership with La Caisse populaire Desjardins du Mont-Royal. She will discuss the details of the production process of her video assemblage combining drawn animation, photo collage and live-action video to create a panoramic videoscape of a fantastical metropolis. Characters appear in windows, washing dishes, dancing, arguing and embracing their daily routine in small repetitive actions. Inhabitants are lost in the details of the metropolis, resembling ants in their terrarium farm. These elements are composited in After Effects® to create three HD widescreen cityscapes, projected as one seamless panoramic.

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Les journées de la culture 2011

© A. Moore, 2011

Native to Victoria, British-Colombia, Allison Moore studied interdisciplinary art and video at Concordia University where she received in 2005 a Bachelor’s degree with honours in Fine Arts. Active in the artistic community in Canada and abroad for the past ten years, she has participated in numerous exhibitions, residencies, workshops and events. Her work explores in a playful and systemic manner the fascinating universe of the dematerialization and the decontextualization of the image and the body as much on a conceptual level than on a technological one.

Choeur Maha was founded in 1991 by composer/performer Kathy Kennedy and visual artist Su Schnee. The choir has delighted audiences for two decades with their creative repertoire, singing in as many languages and styles as possible, from Hildegard von Bingen to Hildegard Westerkamp, from Mozart to Madonna – and often incorporating a healthy dose of electroacoustic music for good measure.

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