Lorri Millan et Shawna Dempsey Shani Mootoo Alisa Lebow Margaret Stratton Alix Umen et Lisa Prisco Cornelia Wyngaarden Beyond Butch
- Lorri Millan et Shawna Dempsey, A Day in the Life of a Bull-Dyke (1995 10 min. n&b, v.o.a.
- Shani Mootoo, The Wild Woman in the Woods (1993) 14 min. couleur, v.o.a.
- Alisa Lebow, Outlaw (1994) 26 min. couleur, v.o.a
- Margaret Stratton, Kiss the Boys and Make Them Die (1994) 30 min. couleur, v.o.a.
- Alix Umen et Lisa Prisco, Mad About the Boy (1994) 7 min. Pixelvision, v.o.a.
- Cornelia Wyngaarden, As a Wife has a Cow (1985) 45 min. v.o.a.
OBORO pursues its commitment to the presentation of video by hosting Beyond Butch, an exhibition of six recent videotapes by Noth American producers selected by Vancouver video artist and curator Lorna Boschman.
Where are the family photos, the ones that show two, three, four generations of butches? Beyond Butch looks at culture as evolving historical force. If butch is something that we can learn from, then here are six views of butch to reflect upon. Lorri Millan's butch is fat, rough and full of anxieties; she views the outside world with a cold hard eye. Shani Mootoo plays her own butch Pria who finds a dream lover in the Rocky Mountains. Margaret Stratton is haunted by a man - is she the butch or is her voyeur? Leslie Feinberg, author of Stone Butch Blues is the star of the documentary by Alisa Lebow. Mad About the Boy combines Pixelvision and Super 8 footage in a tribute to butch haircuts. Finally, we pass a little time with Keely, a Western butch rancher from British Columbia. In this exhibition, we respect traditional butches, recognizing the unique combination of historical circumstances that help shape who we are. The Wild West, American popular culture, lesbian feminism and colonialism each have their own little part to play.
Lorna Boschman will also facilitate a workshop at GIV. A publication, featuring a curatorial essay, accompanies the exhibition.
This project was made possible thanks to the collaboration of the following distributors: Video Data Bank, Chicago; Video Out, Vancouver; Video Pool, Winnipeg, and Women Make Movies, New-York.
Lorna Boschman est une vidéaste vivant à Vancouver où elle enseigne également à Video In. Son oeuvre traite de sujets occultés, contraignant des questions peu inconfortables à faire surface. “Dans ses films et vidéos, elle présente un corps simultanément matériel et imaginaire. Elle traite de l’interaction physique entre le corps matériel et l’arène sociale et, concurremment, entre le corps imaginé et la psyché.” (Karen Knight) Lorna Boschman fut jadis une receveure tapageuse dans une ligue féminine de fastball. Le baseball est un de ces sports qui fait ressurgir la butch présente en chacun.e de nous.