David (Jhave) Johnston Interstitial

Date(s): Apr 24 to May 29 2010



D. J. Johnston, still from the  Interstitial, 2006

With Interstitial, David (Jhave) Johnston offers a poetic exploration of technology leading to a meditation on transformation and on the cycles of birth, life and death. Constructed with code in real-time, this video triptych continuously regenerates and recombines a series of video and audio files as well as shuffled poetic phrases.

In the first video, a dead cat decomposes in the Saint Lawrence River over a period of 10 days. The second video shows micro-landscapes from inter-tidal pools in the vicinity of Vancouver while focusing on the viscid, swirling oscillations caused by tides. The third video presents a black cricket nymph metamorphosing into a newborn dragonfly on a loaf of bread at an urban picnic.

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D. J. Johnston, still from the  Interstitial, 2006

David (Jhave) Johnston is a multimedia poet living in Montreal. He is a computer scientist, an interface designer and an artist. The majority of his work is net-based and interdisciplinary: it remixes sound, video and poetry with programming.


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