Andrée-Anne Roussel Speculative Creatures

Date(s): Jan 25 to Mar 22 2025

Location: Small Gallery


Paysage urbain nocturne avec des gratte-ciel qui brillent dans l'obscurité. Nighttime cityscape featuring towering skyscrapers glowing in the dark.

© Andrée-Anne Roussel, image tirée de l’installation Speculative Creatures, 2023

The video installation Speculative Creatures examines the place of intuition, prediction and speculation in the worlds of finance, spirituality and machine learning. The evolving narrative structure of the work is generated by a probability tool based on Markov chains. Using computer code, the order of the installation’s multiple audio sequences differs from time to time, generating constantly renewed associations of ideas.  

Roussel had the opportunity to shoot her project in Manhattan as part of the CALQ – Studio du Québec à New York residency, from August 2022 to January 2023. The artist interviewed and filmed people from a wide variety of backgrounds: financial forecasts, trend predictions, people working in the field of AI, mediums and clairvoyants (from different spiritual practices). The various testimonials, in voice-over, create a mosaic of viewpoints around the themes addressed. 

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Paysage urbain nocturne avec des gratte-ciel qui brillent dans l'obscurité. Nighttime cityscape featuring towering skyscrapers glowing in the dark.

© Andrée-Anne Roussel, image tirée de l’installation Speculative Creatures, 2023

Andrée-Anne Roussel is a filmmaker and new media artist. Working primarily with video, her projects take the form of immersive installations and sensory films. Her artistic approach is intrinsically linked to her desire to understand the world around her. She is interested in the invisible forces that shape our universe and influence our experiences. As a result, her projects address philosophical and spiritual questions that are at the heart of the human condition, and often establish links between different, even opposing, ways of seeing the world. Her work has been presented at the Sapporo International Short Film Festival, the São Paulo International Short Film Festival and the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal.

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