Children and Teens at OBORO
P. Beaudoin, 2011
Cultural Mediation
Techno Ados
With the alternative school Le Vitrail and mediator Pierre Beaudoin
October 2012
Alphabet sonore
With young people from culturally diverse backgrounds, author-researcher Owen Chapman and mediator Yves Amyot (Turbine, centre de création pédagogique) in conjunction with the Writing Audio Art residency and in collaboration with esse arts + opinions.
Winter – Spring 2012
Le vaisseau
Third part of the Parcel Lab workshops with students from FACE school, writer Caroline Loncol Daigneault and mediator Jenna Dawn MacLellan
March – April 2012
Techno Ados
During the Techno Ados workshop, participants from Le Vitrail school will create works on the spot using audio, video et multimedia resources. Blindfolded and accompanied by specialized trainers, they will discover their sound environment as well as sound-recording tools. Afterwards, they will learn “to write with a sound recorder” by getting acquainted with the basics of film and video languages. Then, with the visual and sound elements they gathered and in a creative space with broadcast equipment at their disposal, the students will be introduced to multimedia performance.
A project conducted at OBORO with film and drama students from the alternative secondary school Le Vitrail, in collaboration with the TELUS Montreal Community Board.
Alphabet sonore
Writing on the arts and sound production are the focus of this exploratory workshop aimed at young people from culturally diverse backgrounds. Yves Amyot, the mediator and designer of the workshop, invites participants to embark on a playful and practical journey into words and sound, while author-researcher Owen Chapman (winner of the Writing Audio Art residency OBORO—esse arts + opinions) shares his passion for and knowledge of these vibrating and resounding art practices.
This workshop is made possible thanks to the Canada Council for the Arts and its Assistance to Media Arts Dissemination Program.
Le vaisseau
Imagination and focus play a key role in this workshop given to 2nd-grade students from FACE school. Writer Caroline Loncol Daigneault and mediator Jenna Dawn MacLellan will be their guides as they explore OBORO’s large gallery. Together, participants will create an audio tale entitled Le vaisseau.
Le vaisseau is the third and final activity of the Parcel Lab cycle carried out thanks to the financial support of the Ministère de la Culture, des Communications et de la Condition féminine du Québec and the Ville de Montréal in conjunction with the Entente sur le développement culturel de Montréal 2008-2011.
P. Beaudoin, 2011