Regular Member

Any person known as a professional artist or independent producer, as well as any cultural worker or other arts professional involved in research, creation, production or dissemination of independent work in media or visual arts can become a Regular Member, as long as his or her application is accepted by the Board of Directors.

To become a Regular Member, a person must submit a brief statement of interest to the Board of Directors, along with complete contact information and a résumé. Note that it is appreciated when Regular Members get involved by volunteering. In this case, we invite you to let us know of your availabilities. The Board of Directors reviews applications during their regular meetings. 

Regular Members are invited to annual general meetings where they have the right to speak and vote. They receive the documents discussed or proposed at annual general meetings, and can be elected on the Board of Directors. They receive the annual program in our newsletter by email.

For more information, please contact us by phone at 514-844-3250, or by email at

User Member

The following can become User Members of OBORO: artists or independent producers, artists collectives or non-profit organizations whose mandate is the research, creation, production and dissemination of independent work in media arts.

User Members have access to the New Media Lab at the member rate.

$75 for individuals (valid for one year as of date of subscription)
$150 for organizations (valid for one year as of date of subscription)

From February 20, 2025 to February 20, 2026 (to celebrate the New Media Lab 20/30th anniversary:

$40 for individuals (valid for one year as of date of subscription)
$80 for organizations (valid for one year as of date of subscription)
$20 for students and recent graduates

OBORO is a part of the initiative IMAAN of the IMAA. IMAAN is a network of IMAA-affiliated production centres that facilitates artists in accessing equipment and facilities from centres in other cities, without having to take out multiple memberships. More here.

OBORO is in partnership with Codes d’accès, a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion and professionalization of emerging Quebec new music artists (contemporary classical, electroacoustic and experimental). Code d’accès members benefit from OBORO member rates.

OBORO Volunteer

OBORO welcomes volunteers who would like to help out at openings and other activities. It’s a great way to involve yourself with OBORO, to get to know our terrific staff and members, as well as to contribute to and be part of Montreal’s vibrant art community.