Exhibition Programming 2026-2027

The link to the online submission portal can be found further down on this page.
OBORO particularly encourages Indigenous and culturally diverse artists and curators, as well as members of equity-seeking groups and under-represented communities to submit an exhibition proposal. Submissions will be evaluated on the basis of artistic merit, coherence with OBORO’s mission and values, ecological impact, as well as feasibility in relation to technical and human resources available. OBORO seeks to support artists who are parents by researching childcare options and offering financial help whenever possible. If, for reasons pertaining to equity, you wish to submit your proposal in an alternate format, please contact us at oboro@oboro.net to make arrangements.
Download a floor plan of the galleries here. Please note that the walls of our galleries must remain mostly white and that no additional walls will be built for an exhibition.
Information about venue accessibility here.
OBORO invites artists, artist collectives and curators in visual arts, media and digital arts or interdisciplinary practices to propose exhibition projects to take place between January 2026 and March 2027. We are interested in innovative practices that offer a contemporary perspective on the issues facing us as individuals, as communities and as artists. OBORO’s mandate is to support creation in various cultural practices and to encourage innovation, experimentation, the exchanging of ideas and the sharing of knowledge. OBORO’s objective is to promote awareness and dialogue within the art world and society at large, and to contribute to a culture of peace by aiming to build a more just and equitable society, while allowing room for a multiplicity of perspectives.
Your exhibition project may also include a performance or a proposal for a public event (guided tour, talk, workshop, master class, mediation activity, etc.).
Conditions of Support for Exhibitions :
Our regular installation period varies between 5 and 10 days, with up to 35 hours of assistance from our technicians. Please note that OBORO is not able to support the production of the works that will be exhibited. Therefore, works must already be completed and ready to exhibit at the time of installation.
- Exhibition rights: $3,432 for a solo exhibition lasting approximately 2 months
- Exhibition install fee: up to a maximum of $430
- A materials budget for install and take-down (maximum $500)
- A budget for the return transportation of artworks or equipment (maximum $500).*
- Up to 35 hours of installation and take-down technical support from our technicians. Artists and/or curators must be present during the install.
- Access to technical advice for media-based projects. Note that OBORO’s participation is limited to consultation: we are not responsible for the production of works.
- Promotion of the event in accordance with OBORO’s standard communications practices
- Professional photographic documentation of the exhibition
- Access to OBORO’s equipment, according to availability (details of our equipment can be found here.)
OBORO’s team reviews each selected proposal jointly with the artist to determine optimal options for the presentation of their works. However, any required equipment that goes beyond OBORO’s resources must be provided by the artist.
How to Submit a Proposal:
You must submit your application through this form. Please note that it is not possible to save a draft of your form.
For questions pertaining to the online submission process, contact the Front Desk at 514 844-3250 or email oboro@oboro.net. If, for reasons pertaining to equity, you wish to submit your proposal in an alternate format, please contact us at oboro@oboro.net to make arrangements.
Before completing the submission form, make sure you have prepared the following items:
- An artist statement (maximum 250 words)
- A detailed artistic, conceptual and technological description of the project (max. 400 words)
- A short biography indicating your training, recent exhibitions, prizes received, etc. (maximum 150 words)
- A list of technical requirements for the presentation of the artworks, specifying what will be provided by the artists and what would be expected of OBORO. (See https://www.oboro.net/en/lab/rates/ for our current equipment list)
- A detailed budget indicating anticipated expenses and how they will be covered if they exceed OBORO’s means (travel or transportation costs, materials, rentals, etc.).
- Web links for support material: a maximum of 10 images and/or up to 5 minutes of video or audio material. For each item, specify the name of the artist, title of work, media year and duration. Include passwords if required. Kindly do not place your support material on a digital cloud-based drive. If you are unable to provide links, please send a WeTransfer of supporting materials to oboro@oboro.net, specifying "call for proposals 2026-27 [first name, last name]" in the message.
*Projects for which expenses for artwork transportation exceed the amount offered must guarantee supplementary funding sources.

Job Offer: Artistic Director

OBORO is an artist-run centre for visual, digital and media arts. We simultaneously carry out research, production, presentation and training activities. OBORO offers a creative, flexible and participatory work environment, and makes a point of reflecting diverse cultures and identities in its actions and programming. You can consult our statement of values here: https://www.oboro.net/en/about/mission/
At OBORO, we aim for the flexibility we know to be necessary in maintaining a healthy balance between work, life and artistic practice. Team members benefit from an access to equipment policy, two weeks' paid vacation in December-January on top of annual vacation in July, and the equivalent of one week's sickness/wellness leave annually.
OBORO seeks to fill the position of Artistic Director
Reporting to the Board of Directors and General Director, this person ensures the implementation of the vision developed with the Board and the artistic programming committee, and the concrete deployment of the organisation's mandate. They are responsible for the overall supervision of programming, which includes exhibitions, residencies, professional training, cultural mediation activities, publications and special projects. Working in close collaboration with the General Director, the Artistic Director represents the organisation and manages finances and human resources related to programming. In the current context of a real estate project at 4001 Berri Street, the Artistic Director is also called upon to contribute to the organisation's efforts in development and philanthropy.
Main fields of action:
Artistic Programming
- Propose the organisation’s programming orientations, in close collaboration with the artistic programming committee and juries, and make recommendations to the Board of Directors.
- Oversee the organisation’s programming and supervise its smooth operation in close collaboration with the team.
- Manage the dissemination and promotion of programming activities (draft contents related to programming, revise and/or translate communications, make presentations for various audiences).
- Develop promising partnerships.
Strategy and governance
- In conjunction with the Board and Executive Director, develop and implement the organisation's overall strategic vision, including the New Media Lab.
- Issue general recommendations to optimise the organisation’s overall operations.
- Represent OBORO with government authorities and peer groups.
- Ensure organisational policies are applied and that the organisation complies with applicable laws
General administration and finance
- Manage human resources in the programming sector (supervision, evaluation and hiring of employees, interns and contractors).
- Identify sources of public and private funding for programming activities. Write grant applications and reports, and monitor related budgets, with the support of the team.
Required qualifications:
- Excellent knowledge of Montreal’s contemporary art scene, particularly in media arts, digital arts and visual arts.
- Minimum of two years' experience in management, programming or curating with significant responsibilities, or comparable experience, including team management.
- University studies in art, art history, cultural management, communications, curating or related fields.
- Excellent ability to manage priorities and schedules, and to work on several projects simultaneously.
- Desired qualities: rigor, commitment, listening skills, diplomacy, sense of ethics, good stress management.
Skills sought:
- Bilingualism: the working language is mainly French; an advanced level of written and spoken English is required (C1 equivalent).
- Excellent writing and editing skills, at least in French.
- Experience in project management, financial planning and reporting.
- Good understanding of artist-run centre operations and issues related to our sectors.
- Demonstrated experience in partnership development.
- Experience in designing and leading public activities (conferences, round-table discussions, etc.).
- Interest in audience development.
- Ability to organize and transmit information for multiple uses and audiences.
- Experience in publishing, an asset.
- Experience in cultural mediation, an asset.
- Computer skills: Mac and PC environment, spreadsheets.
Position details:
- Full-time position (35h/week), with evening and weekend activities.
- Expected start date: mid-April 2025.
- Compensation between $29 and $31 per hour, depending on experience.
To submit your application, please send the following documents:
- A CV.
- A cover letter (maximum 1000 words) outlining your interest and vision for OBORO, and how you meet the position's criteria.
- The names and contacts (e-mail, telephone) of three references.
- Optional: A short dossier (max 5 pages) of artistic or curatorial achievements, if applicable.
Please submit your application by e-mail only to embauche@oboro.net with "Poste de direction artistique" in the subject line. The position will remain open until filled. Applications will be reviewed on a regular basis until February 23, 2025.
All information received will be treated confidentially. We thank all applicants, but only successful candidates will be contacted for an interview.
Image: © Katrin Freisager, view from the exhibition Where Are We, 2018. Photo : Romain Guilbault

Presentation Activities Assistance Program

Outside of its regular programming, pending the availability of resources, OBORO welcomes within its facilities presentation activities (launches, concerts, performances and other events) by artists and cultural organisations.
Assistance to presentation activities takes the form of access to equipment and spaces of the New Media Lab at reduced rates. This program is dedicated to supporting not-for-profit projects that are in accordance with OBORO’s mandate.
Interested individuals or organisations must send a package including the following information:
- An artistic description of the project
- Biographical information on the person(s) involved
- Audiovisual support material
Requests related to this program may be submitted at any time between September 1st and May 31st via this FORM. Results are generally provided within 4 weeks.
For more information, contact us at lab@oboro.net or 514-844-3250 ext. 230.

Production Assistance Program

Production assistance is provided in the form of access to equipment and spaces from the New Media Lab at a reduced rate to user members of the New Media Lab (artists or independent producers) for non commercial projects only. Candidates must provide precise information as to the reasons and context that justify their request (for example the difficulty of obtaining financing, first large scale project, sudden unexpected situation, etc.).
The application must include a description of the project from an artistic and technological standpoint, biographical information on the people involved and support material.
Applications for the production assistance may be submitted at any time via this FORM. Answers are generally given a few weeks after submitting the proposal.
For more information, contact us at lab@oboro.net or 514-844-3250 ext. 230.