Chantal Neveu Ce qui arrive (What happens)

Date(s): Oct 30 2008, 8:00 pm
Nov 2 2008, 2:00 pm
Jul 4 2008, 8:00 pm


Ce qui arrive (What happens)

© C. Neveu, 2008

Between 2002 and 2005, in the course of author residencies at the Centre national des écritures du spectacle at La Chartreuse in Villeneuve-lez-Avignon and at Subsistances in Lyon, Chantal Neveu went to and stayed in various production sets and stages: sound, theatre and dance studios, visual artists studios and other more intimate areas in Montreal. There she scripted what was said and done, and composed a physically and relationally rich material from which she wrote Mentale, an extremely documentary, absolutely fictional text. Here, also based on this text, Chantal Neveu performs Ce qui arrive, a reading/performance she will give using her barely amplified voice while walking about, paper in hand, in OBORO’s larger gallery. With this three-part series, Neveu proposes three rhythmic variations on the text, a sort of post-dramatic, post-media synthesis stemming from various creative residencies as well as audio, video and hypertext explorations. Thus having engaged her poetry in these fields, she now gives to the set the literary bareness of oral and written words, in a logic of immediate, expanded, live present—placial more than spatial— a writing with resonances of osmosis and porosity between arts, bodies and mediums.

Read about the residency (2006)

Éditions La Peuplade

Ce qui arrive (What happens)

© C. Neveu, 2008

Writer and interdisciplinary artist, Chantal Neveu chooses writing as an avenue for exploration and knowledge. She has published Une spectaculaire influence (Éditions L’Hexagone), coït and mentale (La Peuplade) as well as èdres followed by èdres | dehors (É=É).