Caroline St-Laurent Florence-Agathe Dubé-Moreau Discussion on the Place of Women and Marginalized People in Sport

Portrait de Caroline St-Laurent, photo : François Lachapelle. Portrait de Florence-Agathe Dubé-Moreau, photo : Justine Latour
With Caroline St-Laurent and Florence-Agathe Dubé-Moreau. As part of Caroline St-Laurent's exhibition, Tandem: Portrait of Paracyclists Shawna Ryan and Joanie Caron. The discussion begins at 2 pm in Studio 01 of the New Media Lab, on the second floor. The public is invited to visit the exhibition in the small gallery, on the third floor before the discussion, or afterwards in the presence of the artist. The gallery is open from noon to 5 pm.
The visit and discussion will take place in French, but you are welcome to ask questions in English. Admission is free. All are welcome. Limited places. Accessibility information here.

Portrait de Caroline St-Laurent, photo : François Lachapelle. Portrait de Florence-Agathe Dubé-Moreau, photo : Justine Latour
Caroline St-Laurent is a queer visual artist specializing in the intersection of arts and sports with a feminist perspective. In a multidisciplinary practice based on performance and video, she collaborates with athletes, professional or amateur sportswomen and performing artists from different fields, to investigate the cult of performance and reflect on equity, accessibility and social justice. Her work has been showed in individual and collective exhibitions in Quebec and abroad; live art events as well as video festivals. Recently, she presented the conference-performance Women Performing ART+SPORT with Liliane Moussa in Montreal (2022) as well as at the CAFKA Festival in Ontario (2021). She also collaborated with Moussa for Nadia, est-ce que ça va ? touring in Maisons de la culture in Montreal (2023) and at Tangente (2019).
Florence-Agathe Dubé-Moreau is an independent art curator, author, and columnist. She holds a Master’s degree in art history from the Université du Québec à Montréal. As a curator, her most recent projects have been shown at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (2023-2024), DRAC (2023) and the Stewart Hall Gallery (2023). In 2022, she concluded a cycle of three exhibitions on the relationship between dance and contemporary art, presented at the Galerie de l’UQAM (2022), at the center d’artistes en art actuel Regart (2020) and at the Critical Distance Centre for Curators in Toronto (2018). Her articles have been published in the journals Espace, Esse, exPosition, Intermédialités, L’Inconvénient, Nouveau Projet and Vie des arts, as well as many exhibition catalogues. In 2023, she published her first essay, Hors jeu: chronique culturelle et féministe sur l’industrie du sport professionnel, with Éditions du Remue-Ménage. She is the recipient of the SODEP Award of Excellence for Essay of the Year (2022), the Jean-Claude Rochefort Bursary for Curating and Critiquing Contemporary Art (2018) and the Esse Young Critics Award (2013).