Georges-Laoun-Opticien-OBORO 2010 Super Short Film Prize

Date(s): Oct 13 to 24, 2010
Oct 23 2010, 7:00 pm


Georges Laoun Opticien’s display window (4012 Saint-Denis, corner of Duluth, Montreal) and Cinéma Impérial (1432 de Bleury, Montreal)


Georges-Laoun-Opticien-OBORO 2010 Super Short Film Prize

© P. Mohit, 2009

Georges Laoun Opticien, Festival du nouveau cinéma, and OBORO are thrilled to present and reward the short film L'homme et le train by Parissa Mohit.

The Film
In certain countries where military service is still mandatory for men and women, both in wartime and peacetime, soldiers sometimes become unhinged in exercising their duties. Cut off from the outside world for extended periods, soldiers begin to take refuge in imaginary worlds. Parissa Mohit's short film, L'homme et le train, was inspired by one of these soldiers. Using objects and cartoons, the artist creates a character who patrols an abandoned train station in the heart of the mountains. Through his binoculars, he sees the real world slipping away as video game icons replace birds in flight.

The Artist
Parissa Mohit studied scenography for four years. Later, she continued her artistic pursuits in the area of animated film. She believes that her experience in construction and set design has influenced her conception of animation. In fact, she strives to create imaginary worlds with her own hands on different scales; it's within these very worlds that her films come alive.

The Prize
The Georges-Laoun-Opticien-OBORO Super Short Film Prize rewards an artist for a short film of less then three minutes. Making good use of their shared neighborhood and common patronage of the arts, Georges Laoun Opticien and OBORO have come together to create this prize that combines a cash award ($1000) and services at the OBORO New Media Lab ($2000 value) as well as a public screening in Georges Laoun Opticien's shop window. This year, the prize is even more interesting thanks to the exposure offered by the Festival du nouveau cinéma.

The prize will return next year: watch for the call for applications!

Georges-Laoun-Opticien-OBORO 2010 Super Short Film Prize

© P. Mohit, 2009

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