Nicolas Bernier John Duncan Herman Kolgen Mika Vainio* France Jobin immerson 7

Date(s): Jun 4 2015, 6:00 pm
Jun 5 2015, 6:00 pm
Saturday, Jun 6, 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm


immerson 7

© F. Jobin, 2014

*We regretfully inform you that, due to illness, Mika Vainio will not be performing at immerson 7.

Master Class with John Duncan ($25)
For professionals artists, limited places.
Participants will be asked to make music with their voices, objects in the room, as individuals and as a group and without hesitation.
Registration: May 11 – June 5, please call or email the New Media Lab at 514 844-3250, ext. 230 or

This event is part of the Montreal Digital Spring 2015
In collaboration with BIAS - International Sound Art Biennial by ELEKTRA

France Jobin acknowledges the generous support of the Canada Council for the Arts and the Conseil des Arts et des Lettres du Québec.


immerson 7 is pleased to continue its exploration of new perceptions and experiences regarding the listening process, and this year will be an exceptional edition. For some time, I had been hoping to welcome the artists John Duncan and Mika Vainio for an evening of concerts and voilà! In addition, immerson 7 will also present Montreal artists Nicolas Bernier and Herman Kolgen. An evening charged with creativity in an intimate setting. [France Jobin]

immerson is a concert event and philosophy initiated by France Jobin that proposes creating an environment dedicated to an enhanced listening experience through the physical comfort of the audience by means of a specifically designed space.

Jobin initiated immerson in February 2011, in partnership with OBORO and in close collaboration with Stéphane Claude.

immerson 7

© F. Jobin, 2014

Nicolas Bernier creates sound performances, installations, musique concrète, live electronics, post-rock, noise improv and video art while also working with dance, theatre, moving images and within interdisciplinary contexts. In the midst of this eclecticism, his artistic concerns remain constant: the balance between the cerebral and the sensual, and between organic sound sources and digital processing.

John Duncan was born in the United States, currently lives and works in Bologna. Duncan portrays his work as a catalyst, inciting a transmission of energy through which he seeks to compel the audience to actively participate in the process of investigation and self-discovery. His lengthy career of electroacoustic intensity and confrontational performance art events is the result of rigorous investigations into a number of arcane, metaphysical, and at times transgressive themes.

Recognized for his multimedia creations for over twenty years, Herman Kolgen is a multidisciplinary artist who lives and works in Montreal. A true audiocinetic sculptor, he draws his primary material from the intimate relationship between sound and image. Kolgen works to create objects that assume the form of installations, video and film works, performances and sound sculptures. Constantly exploring, he works at the junctures of different media, as well as elaborating a new technical language and singular aesthetic.

Mika Vainio, editions mego, sähkö, blast first, raster-noton, touch / finland

France Jobin is an audio / installation artist, composer and curator. Her audio art, qualified as “sound sculpture”, distinguishes itself in a minimalist approach of complex sound environments at the intersection of analog and digital. She participates in festivals, as well as presents installations and events internationally. Jobin has produced numerous solo albums with renowned labels such as ROOM40 (AU), LINE (US), popmuzik records and ATAK (JP).  France Jobin was a Sonic Arts Awards 2014 finalist in the category Sonic Research.