Fatou Kandé Senghor Piniang Temps – Dialogue
© Fatou Kande Senghor, Amon Nafi (Il fut un temps), (extrait), 2010
Within the context of their exhibition Temps – Dialogue sur l’art contemporain du Sénégal, Fatou and Piniang will present a performance about the realities of producing performance and media art in Senegal. How do they maintain their artistic practice in a country with limited technology, few financial resources and daily power failures? What is the role of performance and media arts in a culture where traditional art remains omnipresent and dominant? These are some of the questions that will be addressed by the artists, in the company of curator Pierre Beaudoin.
Temps – Dialogue sur l’art contemporain du Sénégal will be presented at SBC Gallery of Contemporary Art and the MAI (Montréal, arts interculturels) from April 2 to May 7, 2011. This human, cultural and artistic adventure has been cultivated for almost a decade by curator Pierre Beaudoin and his colleagues. The resulting works, by six multidisciplinary Senegalese artists spanning three generations, have been created specifically for this project.
© Fatou Kande Senghor, Amon Nafi (Il fut un temps), (extrait), 2010
Fatou Kandé Senghor is founder of the Waru Studio in Dakar: a platform for artistic research through the use of new technologies. The studio serves as a laboratory for experimentation in art, science and technology, ecology, and the politics of change. Convinced that art is a powerful weapon for addressing the problems of black Africa, she has encouraged youth from around the world to visit Waru to refine their artistic and technological aptitudes, to benefit the Senegalese and Africans at large.
Piniang‘s work is first and foremost a meditation on the evolution of man and his environment. His work integrates cultural references into reflections on the everyday realities of our lives. His artistic process, based on material synthesis, links man, city and society in a parody of the information world. A painter, performer and video artist, Piniang graduated from the National Art School of Senegal, and trained in multimedia and video animation at the Pictoon Animation Studio in Dakar. His work shows regularly in Africa and internationally.