Wendy Chun The Importance of Software Art
© Wendy Chun, 2003
This talk addressed the possibilities and limitations of software art: does programming allow for freedom or does the act of programming not also program the artist? It examined artwork by the digital media collective Mongrel, Sawad Brooks, Golan Levin, John Klima and Natalie Jermijenko amongst others. It also introduced the participants to the basics of software.
© Wendy Chun, 2003
Wendy Chun is an assistant professor of Modern Culture and Media at Brown University and has studied both Systems Design Engineering and English Literature, which she combines and mutates in her current work on digital media. She is completing a manuscript on the crisis of disciplinary and regulatory power brought about by high-speed telecommunications networks, entitled Sexuality in the Age of Fiber Optics as well as editing a collection with Thomas Keenan, entitled Rethinking New Media (forthcoming Routledge).