Yudi Sewraj The Middle Distance Videos 1999 – 2000

Yudi Sewraj, image tirée de la vidéo The Middle Distance, 2000. Courtoisie de l’artiste
Vernissage on Saturday, February 19, at 5 pm
Yudi Sewraj describes his first experience with video as a revelation: “Seeing myself on a monitor was disconcerting. I became self-conscious. I saw myself as a subject.” The work continues to draw from this early experience. In many of the tapes, it is as if the mind has stepped outside of the body to watch itself. The body continues to perform tasks, alienated from the things around it. With a sharp wit, and a playful sense of humour Sewraj, creates environments where reality and fantasy co-habitate. Monique Moumblow the essay in the brochure accompanying the exhibition.
Further readings:

Yudi Sewraj, image tirée de la vidéo The Middle Distance, 2000. Courtoisie de l’artiste
Yudi Sewraj was born in Georgetown, Guyana in 1968. In 1975 his parents settled in the Toronto-Hamilton area. Art school was a happy accident for him. He had been turned down for a live-in housekeeper in the South of France. He completed his B.F.A. at the Nova Scotia College of Art in 1992. His tape A Box of His Own was included in the Fragile Electrons show at the National Gallery of Canada and was awarded second prize at Immagine Leggera, in Palermo, Italy. Sewraj lives in Montréal