Andy Patton The Whole Light of the Sky

Date(s): Apr 30 to May 22 1994



In the last three years I have been doing wall paintings in a variety of different architectural sites - an abandoned brick factory outside of Hamilton; a Catholic college in Windsor; an artist's apartment in Toronto; a circular concrete farm silo near Grand Valley, Ontario; two rooms of the guest-house in what once was a Trappist Monastery outside of Winnipeg; as well as in art galleries and museums. Some were done legally, others illegally by breaking into abandoned industrial properties. All of these wal paintings - which are really fake frescoes - are very simple modulations of blue. The darker areas are made up of twenty or thirty washes of very thin colour, the lightest just three or four. In this way the paint is broken down, so that the colour intensity can become very strong. At each site, the painting is tied to the architecture in some simple, visible way. At certain sites, the painting is related to the falling of natural light there.

What interests me most in these wall paintings is not so much colour but light. I think of them as paintings trying to become ambient, or an image of the light of the sky brought indoors - its endless continuous modulation through the sequence from light to darkness, which we refer to as "day" and "night".

The fact that they are temporary and will be either painted out (in galleries and museums of fade away (in the abandoned sites) is important to me, is essential to them.


Andy Patton was born in Winnipeg and has lived in Toronto since 1977. He was a board member of YYZ Artists’ Outlet from 1982 to 1989, and has shown at the National Gallery of Canada, the Art Gallery of Ontario, the Winnipeg Art Gallery, and the Biennale of Sydney. He has written criticism from time to time as well as catalogue essays. He is represented by Genereux Grunwald Gallery in Toronto and Douglas Udell Gallery in Vancouver, and is ,arried to the artist Janice Gurney. He is a member of the poetry collective, Pain Not Bread.