Lynne Marsh Venus…I see Blue

Lynne Marsh, image tirée de la vidéo Venus…I see blue, 1998. Courtoisie de l’artiste
Vernissage on Saturday, January 8, at 5 pm
At what point does space become fictional to the viewer and at what point does it become real? In Venus…I see blue, I play a construct-like character inspired by female heroines in virtual fighting video games. I also extract specific representational elements from popular imagery including streetwear, martial-arts movies and animation, to create a character that mixes cultural references and characteristics, in order to move them somewhere else, somewhere slightly different. I am interested in creating a visual language activated by the myths and narratives of female representations that explores and exposes the subjective in digitally created spaces. This installation explores the potential in inventing a fictional space and the questions arising out of these issues. – Lynne Marsh
Further readings:

Lynne Marsh, image tirée de la vidéo Venus…I see blue, 1998. Courtoisie de l’artiste
Lynne Marsh has been creating photo and video installations since the early 1990s. A graduate of Goldsmiths College in London, Marsh’s work has been included in numerous solo and group exhibitions in Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom. Her 1994 series Annie Get your Gun received critical attention when exhibited in Montréal, in other venues in Canada as well as at SF Camerawork in San Francisco, and at The California Museum of Photography in Riverside. Lynne Marsh lives in Montréal.