Egotrip Productions (Arthur Desmarteaux & Allison Moore)The Last Frontier

Arthur Desmarteaux, La musique des sphères, 2020
In partnership with Casteliers
An interview-capsule with the artists will be available on the Casteliers Festival website from Thursday, March 4th at 10:30 am.
The Last Frontier is an original puppet play inspired by newer theories of the music spheres and using video mapping technology to create a joyful immersive experience. The piece explores our relationship with the Universe in a poetic and metaphysical manner, evoking distant enigmas that have been fascinating humans for centuries. It is a reflection on the ever-evolving quest for knowledge of the firmament and what it can teach us about ourselves. The play puts forward an abstract conception of space, which provides a fertile area to practice geometry, computer-assisted animation, colour theory and ambisonic sound composition. Sounds and images publicly provided by NASA are used to compose animated audiovisual landscapes. This piece, which premieres at Casteliers Festival, is inspired by the research of French astrophysicist Sylvie Auclair and cosmologist Jean-Philippe Uzan, among others.
The multiple video projections are used in parallel to traditional puppets and shadows, generating a widened and immersive cinematographic experience. This hybrid piece, mixing analogue and digital techniques, offers an invitation to meditate on the nature of the cosmos and its formation. It is an attempt to capture the astounding beauty born from the scientific observation of the starry night.
Welcome to the last frontier! Make way to imagination and infinite dreams!

Arthur Desmarteaux, La musique des sphères, 2020
Arthur Desmarteaux is a multidisciplinary Montreal artist who has been developing puppet plays under the banner of Egotrip Productions with his partner Allison Moore since 2006. They presented their shadow play All Included on the Red Planet as part of the Phénomena Festival. Arthur Desmarteaux exhibited his latest multimedia installation entitled Fantastica Mexico at the Daegu Art Factory in Korea in the fall of 2019.