Christina LammerMatters of the Heart

Date(s): May 17 to Jun 19 2018


Matters of the Heart

C. Lammer, 2017

Screening of films by Christina Lammer, in collaboration with Wilfried Wisser
Friday, May 22, 4:30 p.m.

Talk at OBORO
Thursday, June 7, 2018 at 5:30 p.m.

In Matters of the Heart, Christina Lammer explores the gestures of surgeons. This highly collaborative work is embedded in the arts based research project Performing Surgery (2015-2018) that she realizes at Medical University Vienna, Austria. A movie camera, either a digital or an analogue 16mm Bolex, is her constant research companion. The device has become embodied, it connects the artist with the clinical realities. She employs in-camera editing, absorbing the orchestration of hands, instruments and material components in the surgery room with much care and respect for intimate operations of dismemberment.

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Matters of the Heart

C. Lammer, 2017

Christina Lammer is a collaborative multimedia artist, research sociologist and lecturer based in Vienna. Her work combines sensory ethnography with video, performance and body art in hospitals and clinics, focussing on embodied emotion and sensory interaction between patients and physicians during the course of medical treatment. Her most recent books include MOVING FACES (2015), ANATOMY LESSONS (2013), edited together with Artur Zmijewski, and EMPATHOGRAPHY (2012), all Löcker Verlag, Vienna. Lammer holds a Ph.D.