Danny PerreaultResidency – Montréal – Havana Exchange

As part of the Havana edition of Montréal ~ Habana, and invited jointly by OBORO and perte de signal, Montreal artist Danny Perreault will complete a residency in Havana from November 22 to December 2, along with the Havanese artist Milton Raggi.
MONTRÉAL ~ HAVANA : rencontres en art actuel/encuentros de arte contemporaneo is an exchange project aiming to foster exhibits, production and dialogues between artists and cultural workers from Cuba and Montreal.
Partner in Montreal : Centre CLARK, DARE-DARE, Galerie B-312, Groupe Intervention Vidéo (GIV), Galerie La Centrale Powerhouse, OBORO, Perte de signal, Vidéographe Partners in Havana : Centro de Desarrollo de las Artes Visuales, Artista X Artista, Avecez Art Space, Galería Continua, Fábrica De Arte Cubano (F.A.C), Galería El Apartamento, Cristina Figueroa

Danny Perreault is an artist, cultural worker and teacher in digital art. Much of his artistic research focuses on videomapping issues. He has produced audiovisual works, volumetric video installations and participates in co-creation laboratories with other artists. He is interested in the aesthetic and social impacts of the digital arts, and collaboration is also an important part of his approach.