Marc FournelTontauben

Date(s): Aug 18 to Sep 17 2004



© Marc Fournel, 2003

Tontauben is a sound installation consisting of several electronic balls that trail here and there across the floor. Move a ball and create sounds in the gallery space. Move another and a second group of sounds is added to the first. The sonic effects are generated by the position of the balls as they come and go creating an ecosystem wherein you yourself become one of the components.

Tontauben is the first stage of a much larger research and production project entitled Transduction, initiated by Marc Fournel. The presentation of Tontauben at OBORO is the first public event of the Transduction project and the result of an artist residency that began in January 2003 at OBORO’s New Media Lab.

A text by Ricardo Dal Farra accompanies the exhibition.


© Marc Fournel, 2003

Marc Fournel is an “undisciplinary creator,” a “Jack of all Trades” and a coffee drinker, who when immersed in his artistic practice, watches, listens to, produces and creates video, audio and video installation, and sound works. He is a founding member of the collective Vitamin Beziehungen and an Associate Researcher at the LMI (Laboratoire des médias interactifs) of the Département des communications of UQÀM. Marc Fournel thanks Kathy Kennedy, Christina Oltmann, Thomas Ouellette Fredericks, Laure Ottmann, Serge Provencher, Ke Wu, Vitamin Beziehungen as well as La Fondation Daniel Langlois pour l’art, la science et la technologie, the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, the Canada Council for the Arts, Poly-Grames and Ubisense.