Tamara VukovThe Tranzicija Files

Tamara Vukov, Tranzicija Star Sun, 2019
Roundtable discussion concluding the triple residency Imaginary documentary
May 30, 2019 from 5 to 7 p.m.
This residency proposes to explore and experiment with expanded documentary practices based on a durational non-fiction film/video project called Tranzicija [Transition]. This project operates across multiple forms and registers, drawing on a rich archive of material shot over the course of ten years that follows the impacts of the post-socialist political and economic transition in post-Yugoslav Serbia at the level of everyday life. Elements of the project being completed outside of (but in conversation with) the OBORO residency include a feature-length cinematic documentary (in post-production) and a Web-based documentary. This residency proposes to explore installation-based and live multiplatform performance potential of non-fiction cinema in the context of the Tranzicija project. The main objectives of the residency involve working through and experimenting with how to adapt non-fiction material to an exhibition environment and live setting, to explore projection and display options, and to develop the possibilities of more modular and light scale, portable approaches to both installation and live performance.

Tamara Vukov, Tranzicija Star Sun, 2019
Tamara Vukov is a filmmaker, researcher, educator and writer based in Montreal, Quebec. She has participated in several media/film collectives over the years, and her film, video, and installation work has been presented internationally at more than 50 festivals in over 15 countries. She is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication at the Université de Montréal. Tamara has also co-programmed community-based screenings, co-produced film and video-based installations, and participated in a series of live collective cinema performances.